Her recovery time from the bankruptcy and personal fallout? 她用了多少时间从公司倒闭和个人失败中重新振作起来?
The recovery time is responsible for the pauses between activity bursts during the test. 恢复时间负责中断测试期间发生的激增行为。
Increasing the page cleaners will also reduce recovery time from soft failures, such as power outages, because the contents of the database on disk will be more up-to-date at any given time. 增加页清除程序的数量还会减少“软”故障(比如断电)的恢复时间,因为磁盘上数据库的内容在任何给定时候都是比较新的。
The performance enhancements include improved query performance and recovery time. 性能方面的改进包括查询性能和恢复时间的提高。
Additionally, the crash recovery time for journaling file systems is dramatically reduced compared to more traditional file system methods ( such as those that rely on fsck). 另外,与较传统的文件系统方法(比如那些依赖于fsck的系统)相比,日志文件系统大大地缩短了系统崩溃的恢复时间。
Not allowing recovery time. 不给自己留出恢复的时间。
His injuries have returned as there was insufficient recovery time between matches. 由于比赛间隔时间太短,缺乏足够的恢复时间,他的伤又复发了。
Does this operation have a nice, long recovery time? 这个手术会有一个漫长而美好的修养期吗?
The recovery time is usually two months although the cat owner should notice daily improvements after the first few days. 恢复时间通常是两个虽然猫主人应通知后的头几天每天改善个月。
Individuals with low recovery times exhibit better aerobic fitness. Recovery time monitoring provides a simple way to evaluate the benefits of an exercise program. 短恢复时间表明该人的有氧健康状况较好。对恢复时间的监视提供了一种评估运动计划的简单方法。
However, at turn-off, the diode current reverse for a reverse recovery time trr before falling to zero. 然而在关断时,二极管的电流在降至零之前有一个反向恢复时间。
Objective It was studied the influence of the recovery time and extubation time of pipecuronium antagonized by neostigmine or not. 目的使用新斯的明拮抗与不拮抗时对哌库溴铵恢复时间和拔管时间的。
Injecting complementary light can shorten SOA gain recovery time, while amplifying saturated power improves the wavelength converting efficiency. 注入的辅助光可以缩短SOA增益恢复时间,增大饱和功率,提高波长转换效率。
The two groups overall efficiency and awareness of barriers to recovery time were observed. 观察2组总有效率和意识障碍恢复时间。
You no longer need to be concerned with the risk, pain, stress or recovery time that's ordinarily associated with breast implant surgery. 因为在薇薇秘密的丰胸疗程中,你完全不需要担心有任何风险,疼痛,压力或恢复期等接受隆胸手术需要考虑的问题。
Less invasive than traditional ( open) surgery, laparoscopy reduces postoperative pain, recovery time, and length of hospital stay. 腹腔镜检查比传统(开放)手术较不具侵入性,且可减少术后疼痛,缩短术后恢复和住院的时间。
Asynchronous I/ O should significantly reduce database file parallel reads and should improve overall recovery time. 为什么会减少文件并行读并提高恢复时间呢?
After a run, your recovery time is proportionate to your fitness. 跑步之后,恢复正常所需的时间与你的健康状况成比例。
Multi-routing feature allows cost-effective business settings, but also by shortening the overall recovery time improve network reliability. 多重路由功能允许经济高效的业务设置,而且可以通过缩短恢复时间提高网络的整体可靠性。
With this approach, we are hoping to take minimally invasive surgery one step further in terms of reducing pain, scarring, and recovery time. 有了这种技术,我们正期待能通过微创手术进一步减少疼痛,瘢痕以及术后恢复时间。
Now, if you go out for a drink on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday are recovery time. You're training on empty and you can't do that. 如果你周六外出饮酒,那么周日和周一是你的恢复时间,你用虚弱的身体训练是完全不可以的。
In this paper, the measurement on the ground state recovery time of dye by pump and probe method is analysed and the conclusions obtained previously are modified. 本文对泵浦探测法测量染料分子基态恢复时间进行了分析,对以往的结论作了修正。
The duration of the quenching pulse should exceed the recovery time of the counter. 淬火脉冲的持续时间应当超过计数器的恢复时间。
Using differential file backups can significantly reduce recovery time by reducing the amount of transaction log that must be restored. 在使用差异文件备份时,由于降低了必须还原的事务日志量,因而可以极大地缩短恢复时间。
Not only will surgery and recovery time be reduced, but custom replacements should last longer, thereby reducing the need for further hospital stays. 不但手术和康复的时间减少了,而且使用更加长久,不用再住院。
After suffering a nasty injury the estimated recovery time was on the limit to be able to participate in the World Cup. 在承受了一次糟糕的伤病之后,为了能够参加世界杯,预计恢复时间是有限的。
This method is effective in reducing the sensor's recovery time for fast channel control. 这种方法有效地缩短了传感器的恢复时间,为快速的通道控制提供了可能。
But now my situation difficult: serious internal injuries, the recovery time could not ability, I can not go kill people for money. 但现在我的处境艰难:严重的内伤,短时间内无法复原的武功,让我无法再去替别人杀人挣钱。
Objective: To compare the difference of recovery time and recovery quality in the elderly and non-elderly patients after remifentanyl-propofol-isoflurane anaesthesia. 目的:比较老年和非老年患者对雷米芬太尼丙泊酚异氟醚麻醉后苏醒时间及质量的差异。
Recovery time is expected to be two to three weeks. 这个可望于两至三个星期之内恢复。